James H. Hurley4. Sept. 202326. Sep. 2023 11:00h»Deconstructing the Endolysosomal and Autophagic Pathway« James HurleyDepartment of Molecular and Cell BiologyCalifornia Institute for Quantitative BiosciencesUniversity of California, BerkeleyLocation: Uni Campus Riedberg Otto-Stern-ZentrumHall H3Hurley Lab
26. Sep. 2023 11:00h»Deconstructing the Endolysosomal and Autophagic Pathway« James HurleyDepartment of Molecular and Cell BiologyCalifornia Institute for Quantitative BiosciencesUniversity of California, BerkeleyLocation: Uni Campus Riedberg Otto-Stern-ZentrumHall H3Hurley Lab